When I was nineteen, I put on Army green;
I told my mama not to cry, kissed my best girlfriend goodbye;
I left behind all the things I loved, proud to go and shed my blood;
In a foriegn land called Vietnam, trying to help my fellow man;
We are the keepers of the peace.

And when I left Nam, they sent me back home;
But it wasn't long, before I heard the call;
Of the Cold War echo from the Wall;
So I volunteered for overseas, and packed my bags for Germany;
Where we put an end to the tyranny, and carved a brand new destiny;
We are the keepers of the peace.

We are the Keepers of the Peace; The brave men and women,
Who fight to keep us free; Serviens of liberty,
We are the keepers of the peace. We are the keepers of the peace;
Standing side by side, our strength in unity;
Helping hands for democracy; We are the keepers of the peace.

After the fall, of the Berlin Wall; My celebration, didn't last too long;
"Fore the War on Terrorism came along; Now it's up to you, it's up to me;
To carry the fight for liberty; From the desert sands, of the Holy Lands; To the hallowed shores, of our homeland; We are the keepers of the peace.

From the Central Highlands of Vietnam, To the Aral Mountains of Afghanistan; From Panama to Somalia, South Korea to Bosnia;
From Ho Chi Minh City, To Kuwait City; We are the keepers of the peace.

We are the Keepers of the Peace; The brave men and women,
Who fight to keep us free; Serviens of liberty, We are the keepers of the peace.
We are the keepers of the peace; Standing side by side, our strength in unity;
Helping hands for democracy; We are the keepers of the peace.