So it's a private education,
and it's not getting any easier, 
but if it's any indication, 
well I feel a little weaker now. 
And it's a private education, 
so I present you with your degree. 
A degree of separation goes a long long way when schooling me.

So forgive me for what I have done, 
and forgive me for what I might do, 
and redeem me to everyone, 
as I submit myself to you.

You could wear me 'round like your best dress and I wouldn't mind, 
you could ruin me in one long night and then cast me aside, 
you could turn your mind back to your past and I couldn't change your heart, 
or kiss your scars, 
or find your heat there in the dark, dark, dark, dark, dark. 

So it's a private education, 
and I'm feeling like an innocent. 
Though I feel a little guilty now, 
since I've sinned against myself again. 

So forgive me for what I have done, 
and forgive me for what I might do, 
and redeem me to everyone, 
as I submit myself to you.

You could wear me 'round like your best dress and I wouldn't mind, 
you could ruin me in one long night and then cast me aside, 
you could turn your mind back to your past and I couldn't change your heart, 
or kiss your scars, 
or find your heat there in the dark.

I wanna learn you good, 
I wanna read your text, 
I wanna cut you deeper, 
wanna cut you best. 
Now my cautionary ways are swept aside, 
I fear you not, 
all my past disclaimers and alibis, 
I've now forgot, 
you could turn your mind back to your past and I couldn't change your heart, 
or kiss your scars, 
or find your heat there in the dark.

So it's a private education, and it's not getting any cheaper, 
I wear the cost around like a wound, and I'll try not to bleed all over you.