Mama said it would be alright Keeping it all to myself Johnny's secrets would stay out of sight If they all could stay on the shelf Papa swore he'd lose his temper If I breathed a word to a soul And that no-one would remember Or believe the stories I told I've been living an illusion And things are going from bad to worse It seems there's only one solution But the truth is going to hurt Oh Oh Oh I can't lie anymore Mama never did apologize When I always shouldered the blame Papa's defense was to terrorize And I burned with anger and shame I've got to come out once and scream it Got to say what's on my mind Got to rage and shout and mean it I don't like to be unkind, But I can't lie, no I can't lie anymore Only darkness and confusion Lie behind the bedroom door I'd like to say that it's been some fun But the damage is done I don't want this anymore ...