Oh, cursed morning— Who told you to rise? When time's a sliding mask that may still Roll back with our eyes Oh, blessed falling Crawling into night— I'm learning more than I intended Try not to though I might No angels walk with me All angels ride— I give up my ghost for thee And we will forever slide Oh, take my shoulders And square them to the wind— Go knock upon the mountain To be let out or in Moving where someone else has wandered The dead trip into light— We're learning more than we intended Try not to though we might No angels walk with me All angels ride— I give up my ghost for thee And we will forever slide We roll and tumble Rattle, shake, and hum— We're dying to be other But we kill not to become Grief sides with glory They laugh deep into the night— Learning more than they intended Try not to though they might No angels walk with me All angels ride— I give up my ghost for thee And we will forever slide