I am a swingin man perpetually on the lamb
Free as a bird or the girls in Amsterdam
Yellow taxi ride hey I never exercise
The devil when I speak or when I rise

Buddy Holly told me you cant save rock n roll
Its only for the lonely boys and girls

Im a courageous cat down at the Laundromat
A sacred cow I never took a vow
Like old buildings and whores
Politicians and wars
All get respect man if they last this long
They used to call her Mary
She changed her name to Raph
Life was sometimes scary till she laughed
We never had a baby but she got more tattoos
And I got more material for the blues

Summers rolling in
I want to lose this skin
They call it art but sometimes its just sin

I am a swinginman
Hey I smile on command
I dont know when or how you got to me
We never had a baby but she got more tattoos
And I got more material for the blues