Great North Special, were you on board? You can't find a ride like that no more Night the chariot swung down low Ninety nine children had a chance to go One long party from front to end Tune to the whistle going round the bend No big hurry, what do you say? Might as well travel the elegant way Might as well, might as well Might as well, might as well Might as well, might as well Might as well, might as well Ragtime solid for twenty five miles then slip over to the Cajun style Bar car loaded with rhythm and blues Rock and roll wailing in the old caboose Long train running from coast to coast bringing long the party where they need it the most Whup on the boxcar, beat on the bell Nothing else shaking so you might just as well Might as well, might as well Might as well, might as well Might as well, might as well Might as well, might as well Never had such a good time in my life before I'd like to have it one time more One good ride from start to end I'd like to take that ride again Again Run out of track and I caught the plane Back in the county with the blues again Great North Special been on my mind Might like to ride it just one more time Might as well, might as well Might as well, might as well Might as well, might as well Might as well, might as well