So fine, so fine the web you spin I come too close and I m calling in! And the web of wild design I do not know what fate is mine All day sit and spin, Spin the web that you draw me in Spin, spin, spin, spin! And my daddy said when I was young Where the web of love my son To be in love is to be insane Making old man grow in a young man All day sit and spin, Spin the web that you draw me in Then grow and the time be fine And many of true love passed me by Then he came like a blinding storm I landed in your web so All day sit and spin, Spin the web that you draw me in Spin, spin, spin, spin! So far so far the web you spin I come to close and I m calling in In the web of wild design I cannot control the fight All day sit and spin, Spin the web that you draw me in Spin, spin, spin, spin Spin, spin, spin, spin!