If you had one last day to live And your soul was free from doubt Would you tell them how you feel Would you rise before the sun Would you write a letter home Would you try to make amends Does the light look different now Does it break without a sound Does it make you laugh out loud Like when you were a child As you go kicking through the dew Think of all that you've been through Hey don't you realize it too We've been wasting so much time If you had one last day to live And your soul was free from fear Would you kill that monster now, dead Would you race the summer wind Write a song that does not rhyme Get stoned and sail the sea Would you pray to god or not Get real drunk and cuss the lot Bitch about what you ain't got Or get you something new Would you kiss the one you love Down below and up above could you Bear the burden of nothing left to prove Do the colors call you out Do they fade or scream and shout Does the thunder scare you now If you had one last day to live And your soul was free from shame Would you let your real light shine Would you know just what to do Could you make good on that deal Would you give it all away