I'm sorry, so sorry for whatever it was that I did Please stop yelling I'm telling ya I didn't mean a word of Hold up, did I really just say that? I'm out of control things are looking grim Out on the town with my evil twin And when shit goes wrong sure I can just blame him Try to walk away but I know I won't When opportunity knocks it's like I'm over here yo And it feels like a dream that everyone's in And they'll all be remembering And I'm thinking Oh my god what the fuck have I done Don't you know this could all go so horribly wrong And now I'm clinging to the bar like it's a sinking ship Wondering if I'm really gonna get away with this Well they say every day's a gift you keep receiving They say life is precious and I believe them But I still can't seem to make it come out even With this drinking and lying and cheating and leaving To me, life is like sisters kissing You wanna look away but you don't wanna miss it So I'm making deals with my guilty conscience And I'm getting nothing out of it And I'm thinking...