With Linda Hopkins Just leave it to me. Don't ever be ashamed. Just give me a chance, And I'll take care of everything. Your troubles, I'll share. If you lemme know, I'll be there. Honey, I'll stay close to you, Any place nad anywhere. Shake a hand, shake a hand. Shake a hand. Shake a hand, shake a hand. Shake a hand. Shake a hand, shake a hand. Shake a hand every day. Shake a hand if you can. Be truthful to me, And I'll be truthful to you. And I'm in love with you so, And I don't know what to do. Well, let's call it a day. I said about all I have to say, baby, Except, don't forget to pray, And shake a little hand every day. Shake a hand, shake a hand. Shake a hand. Shake a hand, shake a hand. C'mon, shake a hand. Shake a hand, shake a hand. Shake a hand every day of your life. Shake a hand if you can. Shake a hand, shake a hand. Shake a hand. One more time, Shake a hand, shake a hand. Shake a hand. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Shake a hand, shake a hand. Shake a hand. C'mon, Shake a hand, shake a hand. Shake a hand if you can.