You're one to talk when you know that 
this isn't going right, this is going left. 
You're one to lie when you know 
that you're coming exposed, girl. 
You're one to talk when you know that 
this isn't going right, this is going left. 
You're one to lie when you know 
that you're coming exposed, girl. 

Your walls are coming swiftly down. 
Running around, running around this town 
taking every chance you know how. 
Screaming out, screaming loud 
that you're not gonna die here. 

You're one to kill when you think 
that your life is on the line 
you might die tonight. 
You're one to sing when you think 
that somebody's listening. 
You're one to talk when you know that 
this isn't going right. This is all wrong. 
You're one to lie when you know 
that you're coming exposed, Girl. 

You're not gonna die here baby. 
Your mind is mine now baby. 
Your mind is mine now baby. 

Running around, running around this town 
taking every chance you now. 
taking every chance you know how 
I'm sure you do