Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sechs, sechs... Aus... Maschieren marsch! Eternal passion, infinite absurdity. The false prophecy of love. We have the machine guns, punishment is goal. We have the machione guns, some twats and fucking balls. Eins, zwei, drei… Kill all those who betrayed, just count them ein, zwei, drei. They castrated our hearts, so crush them, and crush them twice. They did it shamelessly, murdering without compunction so reload the twat machine guns, our time is about to come… Fuck ‘em, twat machine gun, fuck ‘em, fuck ‘em twat machine gun... Eins, zwei, drei, twat machine gun. Eins, zwei, drei… We are approaching. Rising from the narrow beds… Eins, zwei, drei. Our hearts in shallow graves… Eins, zwei, drei. Insanity sets us free, that’s all we had. Despair and misery, same you will get. Tragic dismay, such precious keys, just count with me. Worried? We are almost there. So… Eins, zwei, drei