When masters of frightening Took the highways of the sin I know there’s No weather for rainbows And then when the gods Were making something To belong, for builds the Castles of reapers. Running On The Chains! Yeah! The bullets of silver Were the only thing we had To kill the leaders and makers And when sits the preacher That you know Don’t wanna more To every please That he brings you. Running On The Chains! Yeah! Inside of the wisdom, The arrival I can feel Going with and again When stopping the sinner. In the night of the dream Shows how blind can you go Across this nonsense oblivion. The bullets of silver Were the only thing we had To kill the leaders and makers And when sits the preacher That you know Don’t wanna more To every please That he brings you. Running On The Chains! Yeah! Inside of the wisdom, The arrival I can feel Going with and again When stopping the sinner.