She left the iron in the fridge
It was the second time that week
I knew that she was getting worse
And the doctors agreed
But there's so much that we haven't done
It's like we've only just begun
Time moves so fast when you're with the one
Human who understands you

Sometimes we like to walk by people's houses
And look into their windows just to see
The things we never had

I still remember the first time we kissed

I remember that curfew that you never missed

I've even fallen in love with the way that you write

The grocery list

Sometimes we like to walk by people's houses
And look into their windows just to see
The things we never had

But we didn't want them anyway
No we didn't want them anyway
No we didn't want them anyway
No we didn't want them anyway

Allie, my Allie

Sometimes we should walk by people's houses
And look into their windows
Glowing golden rectangles
Just filled with families and memories and us
The way we used to be
The things we'll never have