Mastication starts the process 
Transforms the food into bolus 
Deglutition of the ruffage 
Oesophageal stage 
Careening straight down my gullet 
Into my gut it will plummet 
Churning acids digest chyme 
Nutrients refined 
Escheria Coli wil act 
As a complex glucose tap 
But it's from the rectum I gain 
The excrement which flows like rain 
Our fces who art in rectum
Hallowed be thy name 
Thy kingdom bung, thy will be dung 
The filth invades my septum 
Hole(y) anus full of shit 
The turd is with me 
Blessed art thou coprophagist 
Messed is the fruit of thy feast 
Bowing to the porcelain god 
Plunge my face in the steaming mess 
Bobbing for stinky turds 
Septic waters filled with cess 
A smile crosses my sullied face 
Eagerly devouring my own waste 
My bowel movement I must praise 
The ordure fits my taste 
Ingest the scat, eat the mess 
Swallow the filth, engorge the cess 
An epiphany of divine waste 
The genesis of shit 
Analic hyms, mass for a mass 
My appetite is sick 
Covenant with chyme to create crap 
Exodus out my hole 
My prayers answered, I flush the altar 
Let my fces go 
Our fces who art in rectum
Hallowed be thy name 
Thy kingdom bung, thy will be dung 
The filth invades my septum 
Hole(y) anus full of shit 
The turd is with me 
Blessed art thou coprophagist 
Messed is the fruit of thy feast