Desiccated flesh I peruse 
Your vacuous form is devoid of all life 
Poetry in motions 
As yet another stiff goes under the knife 
Soaked in the fluids of the dead 
Mucous, blood, and pus
Your abdomen a quagmire of maturating chyme 
With preservatives and soaps your innards I flush 

Melting organs degenerate into foam 
This unctuous melange is disgorged into tureens 
Down the drain, your insides wash away 
A cold empty shell, the slate is wiped clean 

Incruental - exsanguinated husk 
Intubated - a trocar is thrust 
ncarnadine - with offal you'll erupt 
Your carcass I'll corrupt 
Despumated - your ribcage is swabbed 
Detumescence - in solidifying globs 
Devenustated - you've lost all your charm 
In my incapable hands you will surely come to harm 

Your evacuated torso is stuffed 
With soiled toilet tissue, balled into clumps 
Diarrhea is imbued with a smile 
With my conspurcate concoction, your body I defile 

Inundated arteries now burst 
In festering excreta, immersed 
Your body is awash in disease 
When I'm alone in the morgue, I do as I please 

Plugs of cotton soak up minor spills (you're quite a mess) 
The rich, foamy lather of putrefying bungs 
Your fetor is inhaled with a thrill (I can't protest) 
The flatulent bouquet matures in my lungs 

Exspiscating - my work didn't take 
Exundated - the sutures proceed to break 
Exspuition - the contents are purged 
Flesh and fæces are merged 

Embalmed with septic mung 

Capillaries choked with dung 
A piss poor excuse for an open casket funeral 
Abdomen is sunken in 
My fetid breath is laced with gin 
Your cadaver on display for the bereaved to mull