Sitting around waiting sitting around waiting Sitting around waiting around Waiting around sitting waiting sitting Sitting around waiting around Standing around waiting around sitting around waiting Da da da da da da da da da da da Just sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up I love your hair (thanks) I love your hair (cool) The rain keeps fallin' on my head now Messin' up my hair now messin' up my hair The rain keeps pourin' in my brain now messin' up my head now Messin' up my head If I can wear it down (I love your hair) Or I can pick it out Or I can pull it up pull it back Or I can rip it out Flick my cigarette on the red carpet I ain't gotta be polite if pluto ain't gotta be a planet Ain't nothin' more offensive than the plain truth Ain't no other fuck you like the real you baby I love your hair I hate your face