Creatures crawling in file Tasting sweetness of wrath Bring the pledge of true light Prosper juice of disgust and lies Lost souls join the insane Desecrating the lane Spoil all pity destroy Ride dead horses on this foul soil Open up the sky Heavenly promise laughing hell Scapegoats in the dirt So cold and desperate Jealous numb and vile Lunatic bodies on the mile Watch them passing by This is the death parade Freedom doomed in the grid Shape a fabulous scar Don´t back off take the hit Wounded innocence - here we are Stab me with rusty toys Cold blade slicing my face Stop lamenting rejoice Bleed courageously show some grace Sweet dark lullabies Strangle your shyness feeding fame Voices tuning in Songbooks of genocide Mark my face with shame Finally I´m part of the game Joining the crusade This is the death parade