Renaissance of sycophancy in its staple form The discipline to bow set down as anomalous norm Another dose of poison from above Haughty mouths of the chosen ones are insolent Their ears deliberately not matured to hear Revolt is my answer The real feast is not for the plebeian eyes Servile lackeys drinking inferior wine They shall always be eating from the floor These crooked trees bear rotten fruit, Venomous apple in the serpent´s maw Tempting rind surrounds putrid core. I don´t believe a word they say Future has its own scenario Equality is fake, all plebs are fake Ongoing dormant plot of alliance of snakes Latet anguis in herba* Basic reptilian conception Degeneration of generations I won´t negate myself From a deep disdain my repulsion is gaining strength I never float in the main stream I won´t transform into a majority serf Odi profanum vulgus et arceo** [* The snake is in the grass (Vergilius)] [** I hate the foul rabble, I shun of that (Horatius)]