Someone had to tell you, Might as well it be me. You've been fooling no-one, If you only could see. Do you understand? You've got quite a problem, Lost your job you know why But you can't admit, So full of it you might die. Do you understand? Just keep your head in the sand. Teenage alcoholic Grew too old to be fun. Just another loser Ain't no use to no-one. You can't understand. Give yourself excuses, Just as boozers all do. Why invent a reason ? No-one sees it like you Do you understand? You've got your head in the sand (Have another. And another, and another) Everything is hopeless, Drink to cope - it don't help. What's it take to make you Wide awake to yourself ? Your head's in the (Buried deep below) Your head's in the (You don't wanna know) Your head's in the (You've got feet of clay) Your head's in the (Drink your tears away)