Hit The Switch akordy a texty písní
- Aphasia
- Eat your death
- The Wayside
- Mr. Abrasive
- Mind Rape Culture
- Tidal Wave
- Coercion through public consumption
- Shift
- The leader in generic punk brands
- Lone Child
- Galactic Alchemy
- Imperial Horizon
- Last light
- Backed By Theory
- Ancient Sunlight
- Heavenly Deception
- Operation Northwoods
- Syndical Proletariate
- The March Of Dissent
- Ample Bright
- Me And My Friend Rad
- Slaughterhouse 13
- Apogee
- The Walrus and the Fisherman
- Associative Forces
- Country Club Circle Jerk
- The Everfading Afterglow
- Down and Out
- Keep the Fire
- Anarcho-Syndicalist
- T Ample Bright
- T Anarcho-Syndicalist
- T Ancient Sunlight
- T Aphasia
- Apogee
- Associative Forces
- T Backed By Theory
- T Coercion through public consumption
- Country Club Circle Jerk
- Down and Out
- T Eat your death
- T Galactic Alchemy
- T Heavenly Deception
- T Imperial Horizon
- T Keep the Fire
- T Last light
- T Lone Child
- Losing Reverie
- Manic Heart Disease
- Me And My Friend Rad
- T Mind Rape Culture
- T Mr. Abrasive
- T Nishtagea Theory
- North Star
- T Operation Northwoods
- Perigee
- Prog Reactors
- Retroactive
- T Shift
- Slaughterhouse 13
- T Syndical Proletariate
- The Everfading Afterglow
- T The leader in generic punk brands
- T The March Of Dissent
- T The Walrus and the Fisherman
- T The Wayside
- T Tidal Wave
Observing Infinities
Domestic Tranquility And Social Justice