What have I got feelings for
If I can't share what I feel
With the people that I care
The most about?
What is the point of being alone
If I can't come home
At the end of the day
Back into your arms?

A kind of suffering
So deliciously sweet

Why don't you stop to be a son
And try to become a person
In front of the freak show of your fears?

Why do I spend my time singing
If my songs can't get to you
And my voice will never get under your skin?
What is the sense in growing old
If my years are quickly passing through my fingers
Before I've even grown up?

A kind of suffering
So deliciously sweet

I'm alone tonight, standing in the rain
Hoping it can wash my soul deep within
I'm alone tonight, standing in the rain
Hoping it can wash my soul deep within
Inside of me

Let the night melt into morning
Brought on by the heaviness of your eyelids
And the softness of your breath
Let a perfect moment of simple existence
Be brought by the tenderness of your smile

And the depth of your sight

I'm alone tonight...