Let me tell you about Hannibal The mighty Carthagian. He is one of the greatest warriors of all time At the age of nine he swore an oath He will never tolerate Romes intrigue He will fight forever against them All for his beloved Carthage For our homeland I will fight forever! Nothing will ever stop me I will stand my ground! For our homeland I will fight forever! I will raise my sword in my hand Even if it will be my end! Nunquam ingenium idem ad res diversissimas Parendum atque imperandum. Habilius fuit Vincere scis Hannibal Victoria Uti nescis Hannibal ad portas For our homeland I will fight forever! Nothing will ever stop me I will stand my ground! For our homeland I will fight forever! I will raise my sword in my hand Even if it will be my end! Hasdubal my brother, Come to me with a new army Hasdubal my brother, Together we’ll ride to meet our fate Hannibal my brother I tried so hard to arm you well Hannibal my brother The Romans ambushed me Melqart let me kill With mercy of Baal Hammon I will win the fight Reshepf guide me through this battle I will assert our right For our homeland I will die forever! Nothing will ever stop me I will stand my ground! For our homeland I will die forever! I raised my sword It was Carthage’s end!