That night it all started when the ship began to shake We were filled with amazement, a little shocked but not afraid We didn't really understand what caused the water to come in We had been told this mighty ocean-liner "even god himself couldn't sink" You took a picture of our child, your hat and your jewelry And we put on some warm clothes because we thought it might be cold at sea When we left our cabin we noticed how the water started pouring in Was it a tear or maybe just a drop of water on your chin Titanic, Titanic, so proud and so free Will your grandeur protect us from the cold icy sea We followed some white arrows with a lifeboat-sign We had to go onto the first-class deck but no one seemed to mind Despite the strange situation we all took it quite with ease Only one of the third-class passengers was behaving foolishly We talked to a gentleman that we'd met earlier on He introduced us to his wife, he introduced us to his son Then the captain said that the lifeboats could not be lowered down I believe it was because some chains of the hoist could not be found Titanic, Titanic, so proud and so free Will your grandeur protect us from the cold icy sea We were all invited for a free drink at the bar We drank to the empire and to good health for us all The ship was leaning to one side, we felt it sinking quietly We decided to stay together on board, though many people jumped into the sea Then the rats left the ship to try and find dry land But we stayed close together and held each others hand It was midnight on the water, we could hear the ocean roar In the lifeboats that were lowered down, there was no room for us anymore Not a helping hand around in this cold cold night An iceberg disappearing into the distant morning light We're watching the last lifeboat as it slowly lowers down There's many men, women and children left behind, not a helping hand around Not a helping hand around, not a helping hand around There's many men, women and children left behind, not a helping hand around Now the members of the band struck up with "nearer my god to thee" Somehow banal but in the vain of our time and century By now we have lost our last tiny bit of hope We're all going down while the flag is going up