God created the world - and he created man
Man created evil - spread it all over the land 

That day in September - airplanes rented the air
Burst into that tower - destruction everywhere
Killed innocent people - fire all around
They were trapped in that building as it came tumbling 

God created the world - and he created man… 

Now the politicians they all gathered round 
It’s the axis of evil - let’s hunt them down
Waste their arms of mass destruction - we know they 
must be around
Chase that dictator - drop a bomb on his town 

There’ll be casualties on both sides - the prize to pay 
to be free
Bring them civilisation - install democracy
We’ll teach those terrorists a lesson - they can run 
but they can’t hide
We don’t take no messin’ - we know wrong from right 

God created the world - and he created man… 

Have you got a solution mister president?
Eye for an eye - or a secret masterplan?
People killing people - history all over again
Hatred escalating - it’s getting out of hand 

You can read your bible - read your koran
Where do you read about terror - fighting a distant 
If you want your peace ‘n freedom - don’t have to go so 
There’s lots of work a-waitin’ in your own backyard 

God created the world - and he created man…