There's a place in Hawaii That is very dear to me I am homesick as can be Won't you listen to my plea? I want to go back to my little grass sgack in Kealakekua Hawaii I want to be with all the kanes and wahines that I knew long ago I can hear old guitars a-playing On the beach at ho'onaunau I can hear the hawaiians saying "Komo mai no kaua ika hale welakahao" It won't be long 'til my ship will be sailing back to kona a grand old place that's always fair to see. I'm just a little hawaiian and a homesick island boy, I want to go back to my fish and poi, I want to go back to my little grass shack ink Kealakekua, Hawaii Where the humuhumunukunukuapuaa goes swimming by Where the humuhumunukunukuapuaa goes swimming by