Eons ago!
From across the universe...
The Chaos Lords assembled
Ruthless, perverse

Serving the Master
In his murderous crusade
But we became a threat
And so we were betrayed!

That fucking asshole...

That's right, he feared our might
Upon our cosmic crimes
Banished us to planet Earth
The worst that he could find

So we did what we could
To tolerate this place
We coupled with the ape
And formed the human race

And that was the stupidest thing I ever did...

And so we did begin
To use man as a slave
To entertain us
From his cradle
To the grave

They did build for us to crush
Their flesh so easy
Their blood so quick to gush

Mmmm...gushing blood - Delightful!
Their skulls turn to mush - Delicious!

Eins zwei drei vier!

The Master soon became enraged
He sent his royal army
That locked us in a cage

Imprisoned in the frozen waste
Until Martini freed us
With a smile on his face

He told us that he had a plan
How we could rule the world
As a heavy metal band!

Sex and drugs and Rock 'n Roll
Soon became a source of power

Power! Power! Power! Power!


We are the Scumdogs of the Universe...
We are the Scumdogs of the Universe...
We are the Scumdogs of the Universe...
We are the Scumdogs

We battled Yig and Cardinal Syn
Gor Gor kept on coming
But we triumphed in the end
Edna Granbo did her best
SkulhedFace, the mentalcase
That failed with all the rest
Even Satan was no match
And all of the Destructos
Got a swift kick in the snatch
Quite a history, no doubt
In any case I'm sure
I'm leaving something out...

So there you have it
It's quite a tale to tell
We've come all the way from Heaven
And have gone all the way to Hell

Bow before your Masters
And perhaps we'll let you live
Just long enough to squeeze out
Every drop you have to give


The number one band from Antarctica!
The only band from Antarctica!
