Here comes the dark and heavy matter That reveals the blackest part of inner splendor This is the greatest energy to conquer A darkness to dissipate, a karma to purge The black moon embodies a dizzying loneliness The utter void... which is none other than fullness by density An imaginary spot in the sky With an endless power of attraction and absorption Here comes the essence of dark and evil passion The raging joy breaking all the laws of the universe The most hostile energy to overcome A karma to purge The black flame can give birth to the only real free will Here comes the dark and heavy matter That reveals the blackest part of inner splendor This is the greatest energy to conquer A darkness to dissipate, a karma to purge Wish you were here when the moon turned black... Wish you'll be there when the black flame will burn bright... She is the one who says no, the one none can restrain Disobeying the laws to claim the fullness of desire Preferring to die of thirst by the fountain Rather than leading a dutiful life without pleasure Here comes the dark and heavy matter That reveals the blackest part of inner splendor This is the greatest energy to conquer A darkness to dissipate, a karma to purge Patrones of the process of initiation Governing the deepest desire of the individual Whose fascination awakens the will for knowledge The Great Swallower of the Unicorn With an endless power of attraction... and absorption Wish you'll be there when the moon turns black