If you’d like to spend the afternoon approaching lavender You’ll feel just fine but one things sure You’ll never be the same If you’d like to try your hand at understanding lavender Then you must be very sure That life is not a game You might even learn a thing or two approaching lavender You’ll soon be on a one night tour Forgetting your own name You wont need a reason just to be alone with lavender For the light so warm and pure Will draw you like a flame The colors that surround you there will be the shade of lavender Shadows dancing everywhere Like flowers in the rain You will find your tongues on fire while lying next to lavender With words you never spoke before And will not speak again Oh sweet lavender I understand you perfectly There is no way that I can see You living by yourself Oh sweet lavender I must be with you constantly Your presence means so much to me Much more that life itself Oh sweet lavender as fragrant as the name you bear Please cast away the clothes you wear And give your love to me Oh sweet lavender your smile is like the golden sun Id love to see you laugh and run As naked as the sea If you’d like to spend the afternoon approaching lavender Don’t try and get the best of her She will not share the blame If you’d like to try your hand at understanding lavender Then you must be very sure That life is not a game There is no shame