We have offended Satan, most Admirable of gods by far Hollow creatures that we are! To entertain a vile despotic host O night... O lawless fugitive! Whose glance forced me again to shrive We, gave up the strife, withdrew without a fight Bowed in the thrall of illusions We praised and flattered all that should perish To drown deeper our vertigo entire We've eaten without appetite, Enthusing drunk with bloody rites. We, gave up the strife, withdrew without a fight Bowed in the thrall of illusions To charm and our delirium to nourish We danced to the sounds of the divine Lyre We have insulted our lineage Thrilled through like a being insane We have, to favor our image Portrayed weakness for the cosmic plane Restore the freedom to which man is prone, The dragon stood before the one clothed with the sun Ready to devour her child as it was born! Unfathomed darkness for hostile souls I defeated the plot that disgraced the night And never I weep but rather I exult For I have all these illusions destroyed in all their forms - Two torches up high, which in all things ignite Mine eyes, my wicked eyes, the thought-less Light! - Those scorching fires that no light can outshine Mine eyes, my wicked eyes, the thought-less Light!