As the ground finally ceases its violent tantrums
We watch white caps grow like starving phantoms

First the sea retreats like shrinking, diseased gums
Baring its briny teeth before blocking out the sun

We will be washed clean and torn asunder
Crushed within our homes to drown in stone and lumber

We will be washed clean and torn asunder
Our culture swept away as we slumber

We will be washed clean and torn asunder
Moored no longer to centuries of comfort

Like an invading state, water storms down our streets
An infantry of waves, repeatedly sacking our cities

First the sea retreats like shrinking, diseased gums
Baring its briny teeth before blocking out the sun

Each charging wave, higher than our palace walls
Before my gaze, family and friends simply dissolve

The sea is retreating, the sea is rethinking
Its purpose for creating anything terrestrial

The sea is swelling, the sea is groaning
Its intentions are to reclaim us all