We dropped the ball, It rolled away, Down a hill, Onto the freeway, We didn't look, We got run over, We died and rotted We decomposed. We became fuel For future human Flying cars Our remains Will quench their Thirsty engines They'll get gas Or die trying... We swallowed the olive, man, we blew it... We Baptized our Super-Sized Babies in embalming fluid... With squirt guns... We dropped the ball It rolled away Behind the couch It gathered dust The soot of lives We put our feet up On the table Which was embossed With dead skin The soot of lives We were scared We bought plastic Furniture covers And jogging suits To protect us from the bulldozers Jesus Christ is my American Idol! He's the Brand New Funky President! Victory is certain, this much is certain, And if it's not you can always Start the video game over.... Squirt Guns filled with pig's blood, for real We're winning...