like a needle in a haystack provoking all my allergies the genie’s out of the bottle this day will live in infamy in the shadow of the spectre under the sword of damocles well i have but one regret that i have not killed you yet those burnholes in the mattress bring back such sweet memories its nature versus nurture the princess and the pea mirror mirror on the wall oh who will be the first to fall im gonna solve all of your problems with a lingering embrace the center of the universe is a very crowded place in the shadow of the spectre under the sword of damocles well i have but one regret that i have not killed you yet the repulsive and the ignorant are gonna meet their maker yet with the kindness of a blindfold and one last cigarette grand high exalted ruler my kingdom for a horse i know an even quicker way than a mexican divorce mirror mirror on my back oh who will be the first to crack mirror mirror on the wall oh who will be the first to fall im gonna solve all of your problems with a lingering embrace the center of the universe is a very crowded place in the shadow of the spectre under the sword of damocles well i have but one regret that i have not killed you yet underneath the shattered dome a prisoner in my own home everything you know is wrong the throbbing of testosterone erupture rising in my craw the sound is too loud to ignore you went and threw it all away more trouble coming every day its nature versus nurture the princess and the pea the genie’s out of the bottle this day will live in infamy im gonna solve all of your problems with a lingering embrace the center of the universe is a very crowded place in the shadow of the spectre under the sword of damocles well i have but one regret that i have not killed you yet