In a field of yellow flowers Underneath the sun Bluest eyes that spark with lightning Boy will shoes undone He is young, so full of hope Reveling in tiny dreams Filling up his arms with flowers Right for giving any queen Running to her beaming brightly While cradling his prize A flickering of yellow light Within his mother's eyes She holds them to her heart Keeping them where they'll be safe Clasped within her very marrow Dandelions in a vase She sees love where anyone else would see weeds All hope is found Here is everything he needs Fathomless your endless mercy Weight I could not lift Where do I fit in this puzzle? What good are these gifts? Not a martyr or a saint Scarcely can I struggle through All that I have ever wanted Was to give my best to You Lord, search my heart Create in me something clean Dandelions You see flowers in these weeds Gently lifting hands to heaven Softened by the sweetest hush A Father sings over His children Loving them so very much More than words could warrant Deeper than the darkest blue More than sacrifice could merit Lord, I give my heart to You