You, oh Army of You who take us at birth and make us work for you You kill all my mothers take all my brothers You'll do it in my name no more Ferron: It's always the same with war we hear you coming as you force the neighbor's door with your thump thump thumping and screaming as you take his wife and drag his children by their hair and spit on the warm home fire that you yourself did not make There's no pattern though we know we are next and this you can do as long as your sword stays a sword But everything transforms and we are moving now, to a place where your metal has no value where fear has alchemized to knowledge and where you could not tell the wife, or daughter or husband or son from any other even yourself--and see what your anger does now and if you'll have to kill us all to see who it is you are not You oh Army of You not one puppeted rich boy the strings of You Bitch: I don't want your bombs anymore I don't want that war I don't want the bullets in the bullies hands I don't want what they're for I don't have tolerance anymore for your jail called war sharp-suited finger-saluted I don't want what it's for I'm gonna take government out of every poem I don't want to waste my breath on that machine of death take them out of my home out of my bones off of my phone too many bones We are so sick of your war everything it buys everything it implies everything it makes us work for You’ll do it in my name no more You oh Army of You not one puppeted rich boy the strings of You You, oh Army of You who take us at birth and make us work for you You kill all my mothers take all my brothers You'll do it in my name no more