Feed Her To The Sharks! Twelve months of misery Stab me in the heart and watch me bleed I was nothing but a puppet Strung by the hands and feet And I'm... Searching For a reason To believe you re fucking lies Oblivious Your treason Is killing me inside With the smile Of a thousand knives Stone cold in her malice She walks away (She walks away from her deviance) Oblivious to everything Her black heart sleeps in a dead dream No willingness to compromise Cos she thinks she s royalty Stab me In the heart And watch me fucking bleed Stab me In the heart And watch me Fall to pieces! With the smile Of a thousand knives Stone cold in her malice She walks away Twelve months of misery Stab me in the heart Watch me bleed Bury me In a blood soaked tourniquet Oblivious Blinded by the greed In your heart Stab me in the heart Watch me bleed Stab me in the heart Watch me bleed You fucking bitch!