[Citizens of Grandomina, Lay down your arms, Absolve yourselves of your false religions, Ready for indoctrination to a higher place.] Everywhere, You'll be hiding, You'll be hiding. You'll be there in the Sun's first rays of the morning, You'll be there when the spirits rape my blood. You'll be there 'til the city falls to dust, You'll be here in my blood 'til the day I die. I can't bear, The depression, The depression. You'll be there when I hold myself to a lover, You'll be there and you'll fill my heart with guilt. You'll be there 'til the city falls to dust, I can't escape, The regret, Thinking there's something I could've done, To save your soul. You'll be there when the buildings fall and the fire scars the sky, You'll be here in my blood 'til the day I die. Oh, baby you cry, Those tears are just lies to calm my nerves, This final goodbye. I'm sorry, But time ain't on our side, And love can never win, Yeah, yeah. You'll be there 'til the city falls to dust, I can't escape, The regret, Thinking there's something I could've done, To save your soul. You'll be there 'til the buildings fall, And the fire scars the sky, You'll be here in my blood 'til the day I die. You'll be here in my blood 'til the day I die. I can't be waiting, No, don't keep me waiting...