Was homeward bound, one night on the beach, Swinging in my hammock I fell asleep. Across the ocean we set sail It was a rough and mighty sea, Our srenghth and courage beat the gale Till our ship she landed free I sail my vessel for my lord in banbury So no come to harm It was my destiny In a sea of calm And I dream at night Of those frozen wastes Of that curtained sky In it's shimmering state. Land of great white bears, Across that crystal fall And the snow flakes fall I'm already there. At hutson bay we made out camp To heal our wounds and take on stores With native Indians as our guides We found the copper mine shore We headed down thorugh canda Our bow was breaking through the ice But it got thicker when we stopped Held in a frozen vice I wonder how you are, across the mighty sea Through the turqouise spray And all the people that you meet, a lot like me Is there much to say And I dream at night Of thoses frozen wastes And that curtained sky In it's shimmering state Land of great white bears Across that crystal fall Like the snowflakes fall I'm already there. Franklin said he had to leave And take our chance with dog and sled I thought of you and hoped you pray for me We are brothers come what may So much good will Out in the streets of this old town As people ask your name So many thoughts my humble prayers, Go out to you On that ice bound plain And I dream at night Of those frozen wastes Of that curtained sky In it's shimmering state Land of great white bears Across that crystal fall Like the snowflakes fall I'm already there.