Out of Hull a course was set Clothes and soap and spinning gear Passengers and crew well met Dundee destination clear A head of steam All the way A holy man There for his health they say Humble was the Captain's name Blighted by a mighty storm A boiler could not hold its own Worse than passage round Cape Horn Raising sails In heavy seas Neptune's mouth Crew and Captain on their knees See around the lighthouse wild Everything blown off course Flying through the soaring peaks Listing ship — mighty horse Rails on deck The holy man Is losing grip Falling, sliding... Now she is lost Nature will have her way She's broken in two Sinking beneath the fray Silence and dark Down in the drowning deep Dowsing life's spark To an eternal sleep Darling daughter launched the boat Rowing strong at Craford's Gut It's hard to keep the cob afloat Till William on the rock was put Everything slows She's keeping it steady now See how she rows Pulling towards the bow Confidence grows Riding the highest wave Now that she knows Death is a breath away Nine were saved that fateful morn Grace and favour won the day No one blamed it on the storm Humble was the man to pay Sailor's life Merry life Rob young girls Of their heart's delight Leaving them To sigh and mourn Never know when They will return They will return