Every time she sees a movie, she thinks it's about her.
every time she hears a song, she thinks it's about them.
she has never felt this way before,
no she has never felt this way.
she has never loved before.

in the past she'd always been selfish.
in the past she'd always been able to run.
no thing had ever held her there.
no boy that she has ever cared for.
she didn't think this could happen to her.
she had no idea what feelings were.
now she knows if she ever leaves,
she won't have a thing to believe in.
this was an independent girl.

it's not her nature to kiss.
it's not her nature to even think about a song like this.
but something comes when they're together,
turns her into a silly, laughing, drooling, crying, little girl.

she says, "come on grow old with me,
they say the best is yet to be.
i ask you to hold my hand, put your arm around me, help me understand.
dependence is new to me.
completeness, a wonder to see.
something comes inside of me,
and i, i have never, never felt so free.
i'll tell you once.
i can't do it again.
i love you more than i can comprehend."
this was an independent girl.

she never wanted this before.
now she doesn't think she wants anything more.
she says, "come on grow old with me.
they say the best is yet to be. (4x)
something comes when we're together,
turns me into a silly, laughing (3x)
drooling, crying little girl."
this was an independent girl. (3x)
i was an independent girl.
good to see you