Everyone stopped when she walked in the room Isn't this the greatest thing Everyone own up but nobody could touch her Isn't this the greatest thing Punch the clock keep boxing clever You'll be young enough for ever Isn't this the greatest thing Isn't this the greatest thing I heard some new confection Said we can't afford to feel affection And it's the lastest thing In and out of matrimony Never once removed the Sony 'Cos it's a status thing So girls like that above described Are not to be so easily bribed With a white frock and a ring Punch the clock and in time you'll get pulled apart If you're married on paper and not in your heart But I won't be told that life with the one you love is sordid Just because some authority says you can't afford it Since nights were long and days were olden Woman to man has been beholden But since then times have been changing She sends back his tribute of a rose And says this ring is better suited for the nose He's always fingering I punch the clock and it's ok I know a girl who takes my breath away And it's the greatest And it's the greatest thing