In my youth, I felt the earth move underneath my feet I knew my place, and kept time blissfully out of harm's reach But time takes its toll and makes fools of the beggars Hardens all hearts with desired endeavors Shell games, all routine in repose I grew tired of hiding in this shelter I built Of small empty promises and traces of silt I built it all up for so long It was only a matter of when I'd find out I was wrong And learn to let go I was told I could be anything I wanted to be But conflicting opinions have led me to see I was born to be everything you've seen in your dreams A catalyst of providence, a glitch in the seams It's not right, but it's what you need Now my past is not the residence I choose to reside And my future's just a context, ephemeral, implied It's not you, it's not me It's now and everything in between And that's why I harbored the will to keep moving my feet That's why these calloused lungs are the only way I know how to speak So where are you now, and where were you when you were me? Have I proven anything, or traveled full circle again? Because I know how much I've grown And the world is not a bitter place, despite what you've shown I will become everything that you said I could not And be there for everyone that you forgot I will lead the way back home