Do you seek out a teacher? A vagrant man who roams the Danxia In search of ancient eyes? Well don't be surprised if that affair proves to be nothing more than vaticide Do you see yourself as a preacher? A man who doles out consequence for a God fit to be tied As the path intwined grows cold and dim Inside the labyrinth of the mind Take a step back Breathe in the golden air and let your notions go Tracing lineage through the wrists of kings To find room to expand on how we came to be A history through the rings of trees Now I've heard you need a savior Just tell me that it's anyone but me The greatest divide has never been kind To anyone who tries to conquer pride Destroy, rebuild Every city, every culture, every monument Until we're constant and loved Like a child in the arms of impermanence Like Siddhartha handing you the torch And I see your faith in us Do you see my faith in us? When patience defies your art, (You lit the flame) Take root in our hallowed souls. (Fate flows through me) Kings of kings and ghosts of man. (Tell me your name) Whisper softly Tell me your name Whisper softly