Edith Backlund akordy a texty písní
- Wishing
- Burn Me And Blind Me
- Catch me when I fall
- Amen
- As Good As It Gets
- Rosie
- Until We Meet Again
- Much To Cry About
- Skinny
- Over Now
- Death by Honey
- Not Quite Yet
- Lost To The Sea
- True Believer
- Make It Work
- Black Hole
- Lennon Said
- Didn't try
- Close behind
- Better than that
- Sincerely Hope it's You
- Drown
- Suburban Bliss
- Worry Sick
- Hell Yeah
- How does it feel
- Where's the Heart
- On The Run
- Dance In Circles
- Running In Her Shoes
- Amen
- As Good As It Gets
- Better than that
- Black Hole
- T Burn Me And Blind Me
- Call My Name
- Catch me when I fall
- Close behind
- Dance In Circles
- Death by Honey
- Didn't try
- T Drown
- Hell Yeah
- T How does it feel
- Lennon Said
- Lost To The Sea
- Make It Work
- Much To Cry About
- Not Quite Yet
- On The Run
- Over Now
- T Rosie
- Running In Her Shoes
- Sincerely Hope it's You
- T Skinny
- Suburban Bliss
- True Believer
- Until We Meet Again
- Waste another day
- What I've Become
- Where's the Heart
- Wishing
- Worry Sick
Kill the Clowns
Kill the Clown (Act One)
Black Hole
Death by Honey
- 1 Worry Sick
- 2 Suburban Bliss
- 3 Death by Honey
- 4 True Believer
- 5 Skinny
- 6 Amen
- 7 Lennon Said
- 8 Wishing
- 9 Sincerely Hope it's You
- 10 Where's the Heart
True Believer
Merely Daydreams