Lost in a little room One with white-out windows where no one goes Lost in an empty space Where no one else can reach me or hear me cry But The Shepherd never sleeps Nor leaves the searching for His sheep So how can I be afraid? For You will find my heart again You can warm my fears away And I wont be alone For You will bring me home again Safe into the shadow of Your hand I was an only one seperate and different and so aware That I was a lonely one without a friend to call me to say 'Hi' But The Shepherd knows His sheep He alone will meet their needs So how can I be afraid? For You laid down Your life for me You became the living door And I wont be alone I can hear You calling me Safe into the shadow of Your hand Here there is life for me Life in such abundance from You Here there is sanctuary And entering through You I find Your peace For The Shepherd knows His sheep His, the only voice they heed So how can I be afraid? Now that You have found my heart again You have warmed my fears away And I wont be alone Now that You have brought me home again Safe into the shadow of Your hand