One man fights to keep his pockets fat.
 Another is fighting just to pay his bills.
 Some go to doctors for the vanity, others can't even afford their pills.
 The distance between us grows.
 Just how numb have we become?
 Look how far we've grown.... apart.
 Some show their love for the land by stopping and asking "Why?"
 Others show support for a war by sending their sons off to die.
 The distance between us grows.
 Just how numb have we become?
 What have we become?
 Look how far we've grown... apart.
 Now I won't talk to you and you won't talk to me.
 And I might look away, but you will never see the distance between
 religion, class,
 Sexual orientation,
 Political affiliation.
 We'll never see eye to eye.
 This distance will keep on growing and growing and growing....