Your momma can’t stand the way you lay around all day and lean on her to help you on your way You use her credit cards, complain cause it’s so hard to live with all the whiteness you’ve obtained So you pack up all your things and cut those apron strings and set out for a drastic change of scene You hump it town to town and never let them down or take the time to ponder what it means You climb up to the roof to smoke a few and calm down from your day and soak the view and you wonder what the hell you’re gonna do to hang on It isn’t any wonder when the darkness pulls you under from the weight of all your wonderment and the price you have to pay leaves you feeling kinda sickly and it all comes due so quickly it’s hard to get out from under it The night it grows so long but you put it in a song that suddenly the whole world wants to sing So you move to higher ground and set some deep roots down and try to keep your grip on everything Sometimes in the silence of the night that voice might try to tell you it’s not right you close your eyes and try with all your might to hang on