I kno about those things yo friends be tellin you that 
I'm cheatin under da sheets 
With anotha girl 
I can see dat u wanna draw your own conclusions 
And automaticaly assumin I'm with another woman 
Now tell me tell me wat you wanna do about dis 
Do u wanna quit 
Do u wanna keep it moving 
Do u really wanna make da wrong decision 
In a long run it's gonna b my love dat u missin 
Y u gotta tell all of your friends about our business 
With the only one u shud be talkin to is your man 
So jus let me kno how u want this to happen 
Cud it be u n me 
Which way do it go from here 

Don't believe everything u hear through the great vine 
Listenen to this he say shhh wastin my time 
I can't take it... I jus erased it 
And dis is crazy girl 
I'll never do dat to you 

I hear everything u sayin 
And I wanna believe u baby and 
Jus let it all go 
But jus put ya self in my shoes for a second and understand 
Why I should go 
You see my friends they keep on tellin me you cheatin 
They say they saw u at the movies with janine 
And don't 4get about dat time u came n da room 
At 4 in da mornin smelling like womens perfume 
Oohh one time saw some lipstick 
On ya shirt 
I didn't say a word but I knew u wud't cumin from work 
Now u mean to sit here and tell me dat u b n faithful 
I been playing stupid 2 long and I'm not takin nomore 

I can't take it nomore 
Feel like walkin out da door 
U don't seem to understand 
Wats it's like to think ya man 
Cheatin on you late at night 
Wen he shud be by your side 
Thought it jus were u n me 
Are you lien to me because something don't feel rite 

Don't believe everything u hear through the great vine 
Listenen to this he say shhh wastin my time 
I can't take it... I jus erased it 
And dis is crazy girl 
I'll never do dat to you 

I can't take it nomore 
Feel like walkin out da door 
U don't seem to understand 
Wats it's like to think ya man 
Cheatin on you late at night 
Wen he shud be by your side 
Thought it jus were u n me 
Are you lien to me because something don't feel rite