You're forever loved - Now and forever My love surrounds you Forever loved - Forever you will be my own Forever loved - I give you my word that I will never leave you Forever loved - You'll never have to be alone Long before you were created I knew you I loved you and called you by name And all through the ages I've patiently waited For you to grow up to feel the same Through all your sin and your sufferin' and sorrow I've loved you and stayed by your side Reaching to comfort and strengthen and heal you And dry every tear that you've cried 'Cause you're Forever loved - Now and forever My love surrounds you Forever loved - Forever you will be my own Forever loved - I give you my word that I will never leave you Forever loved - You'll never have to be alone There'll never come a day when I fail you Or tell you that my love has ended You mean even more than my life to Me Forever you have been befriended And you're Forever loved - Now and forever My love surrounds you Forever loved - Forever you will be my own Forever loved - I'll tell you again that I never will leave you Forever loved - You'll never have to be alone