The detective goes back to the field where he saw the strange occurrence. He is taken this time. The captors speak to him. While he is with the captors, the plot is carried out and all life on the earth is destroyed. He is the only survivor. Can you hear the sound of Bazuzu in victory dance? I tell you none of this is happening by chance We gave you mountains, rivers and streams We gave you woman that she may fulfill your dreams Gave you the elements so you'd find fossil fuel Wildlife companions but to them you have been cruel We are not pleased with you! Now your reign here is through! Gave you free will with which to do as you may please Gave you commandments but you did not follow these Your whole world hangs at the end of the rope We were amused when you thought you had a new hope We gave you the choice of good or evil now and then They both exist but only in the hearts of men Our 7 angels will fulfill your prophecies Destroy the world below and everything that breathes (spoken) Now… Bowl 1 is poured out on the land Bowl 2 is poured out on the sea. Bowl 3 is poured out on the rivers Bowl 4 on the sun Bowl 5 is poured out over the throne of the beast Bowl 6 over the Euphrates, the kingdom of the beast on earth Bowl 7 is poured out into the air and the cities of the nations collapsed …It is done!